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My Journey

Hello Everybody,

I thought it was about time that I gave you a little information about me, my website and Painless Equestrian Therapy.

My name is Mandy McConechy, I am Scottish, but I thoroughly enjoying living in the sunnier climes of the south of England with my partner and 2 dogs with frequent visits to Europe and the north/Scotland where I run clinics. During and after my time at Edinburgh University gaining a degree in Sports Science I was an International Equestrian rider and rugby player which left me in a lot of pain as I moved towards and through my 30’s.

I tried the doctors, physios and all the normal routes to try and relieve this pain, but was mostly resigned to living with it, with desperate thoughts of trying super expensive treatments that really did not have the scientific backing I needed to convince me - such as Magnetic Resonance Therapy - in the hope that maybe, maybe that would be the thing that could help.

One day last year, a chance meeting with my partner’s mother ended with a recommendation for a Pilates instructor. I visited him and after he assessed me said I was unable to do Pilates, at that point as my body was struggling just to operate as it was.

The next thing that happened changed the course of my life.

He lay me down on his table and started testing some muscles. Then he started tapping me here, gently slapping me there and other random but very gentle, actions. It was a very strange experience, but I was hooked by the results of Proprioceptive - Deep Tendon Reflex to give P-DTR it’s full title.

This was something that I have now learned to refer to as the “P-DTR Dance”. After 2 hours or so the 95% pain I went to see this guy with had diminished to 5%. The next morning I woke up and promptly burst out into tears realising that it was not agony that had awoken me many times during the night, but that I had got my first good nights rest in a long, long time. I was also absolutely fascinated how I could improve so much so quickly and set to work researching what it was that he had done to me to achieve this result.

My research led me to where I found out that a Mexican Orthopaedic Surgeon, Jose Palomar MD, had pretty much given up his career cutting people open to treat a symptom in favour of developing and using P-DTR to find and treat the cause of the symptom.

Through 2018 I have travelled far and wide to complete the foundation, intermediate and advanced modules of P-DTR and laterally other seminars of various therapies. Over this time I have amassed a unique skillset that I am finding to be extremely effective in treating the maladies of the human body and I am constantly seeking out new courses, research and therapies to further our understanding of how the body works.

It makes me so happy to see someone walk away from a treatment pain free and know that they will not have to see me again until they come across another pain in their life that they are needing help with.


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