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Writer's picturePainLess Equestrian

What happens when your horse is 'not right'?

We rush to vets and spit money at them to investigate the horse, finding no clues from nerve blocking, bloods, buying time with repetitive but limited amount of joint injections, maybe getting some incurable pathology via imaging, finding limited options of making the symptoms more comfortable for the horse, physio, Chiro, Osteo - the horse gets everything in our power, but the niggle still niggles away.

We slowly see the performance and happiness of the horse decreasing, wringing out our heart and tears every day and night praying for an answer.

We give up on our dreams and desires we held with the horse and replace them with dreams, hopes and wishes to just to help the horse feel better, and avoid the only thing that we know will come if we cannot help this animal that is holding a very fragile piece of our heart in their hooves.

Something that was highlighted for me last night on a call I attended with The Art of Equine Alchemy -Amber Lydic was how deeply our horses love each other. We love them, and they love us - but they tend to love their horsey family far more than us.

It really struck a chord with all the sessions I have done with my clients recently and what the root cause of the horses issues have been .


Broken heartedness



Unconditional love

Over sympathy


Emotionally unresponsive


Deep and profound unrequited love

"I have such a broken heart"



Manic Actions


Self doubt




Bear grudges











Often these heart emotions have been fired up when they have moved yard and been taken away from their 'family'. The more times they have moved, the worse it is.

Geldings often show up with the emotion firing of broken hearted, sex, self-worth, bear grudges and emotionless.

It sounds a bit woo woo - but it is happening in every session - so much so I have completely checked my heart emotions to to check that it is not the horses mirroring me - but even after I cleared all my heart emotions, still the horses persist. There are no such things as coincidences, so I have to take note and share what I am seeing.

Horses with issues such as locking stifles, shoulder nerve impingements, biting and other dangerous behaviour, horses that are just not well in themselves all seem to turn around after addressing these emotions and where they stemmed from.

How/when they were weaned, antisocial horses in their presence as they grew up, how and when they were removed from this environment is seemingly far more important than we understand and leaves imprints on them for their entire life, that we as humans often struggle to understand and deal with.

The way emotions work is that they are an extremely important aspect of keeping the body 'safe' - especially in prey animals.

The 'reaction' is a re-acting of what they have learned to do in response to how they saw the adult horses act in similar situations, blended with thrown personal experiences in life and beliefs formed around those experiences.

We see this in action all the time - something unusual happens and our horses then thinks that thing is going to happen every time they go to that spot for ages afterwards - or forever.

The brain has 1 job - to keep the body safe and this is the mechanism we are witnessing when we see this.

I worked with a horse who had travelled in a lorry to the new yard and then only been travelled in a trailer since. They upgraded to a lorry and all of a sudden the horse started exhibiting imbalance and extreme stress travelling and going intermittently lame in front. They went back to the trailer and the horse was fine and sound.

What came up in this session was the emotions of fear, broken heartedness, longing and others - all related to the heart.

The heart in humans is famously related to the left arm via the heart attack pain - this is called a visceral referred pain and is present because the stimulation of the heart by the emotion changes the function of the left arm to draw our attention to the fact their is a problem. If your left arm folds, your hand ends up on your heart, after all.

The horses have the same. So heart emotions can very easily create a horse with intermittent front end lameness as the emotion is stimulated repeatedly over time - more so some days than others.

Unless there has been an actual trauma, I find that emotions are far more in play with most of our issues with our horses - and they are so easily treated.

This is why I have created my 6 part series teaching you how to carry out the mood optimisation techniques that I employ with every horse I work with. This series will equip you with the skills to optimise your horse (and your own) mood in any and every situation and give you the tools to help your horse to optimal health.

When we remove the emotionally related issues in the body, it allows a truer and clearer picture as to whether the issue we are seeing has an emotional root cause or requires further investigation by the vet, saving us energy many forms before we start that rush to the vet.

If you are interested in more information about the course -[0]=AT0SSOOic2mkD4ozJZI3veb63A_Bp7pHR_WC2_GiTwBfc8OEXwRrODDPV4BTd-v3k_Fq_iEgtrJki9uNR3763wrag1qfdywcJLi6KAfkPDKg7ZE1K7Q3eyM8zWaUZKJr7JGS9S1Thkz7zRMOu1iLHUxF-1ae

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